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2019 Tour Schedule

Welcome, friend - fun times are in the works, yay! We’re gettin amped up and ready for several waaay awesome blossom concerts this year and other blissful surprises. As is usual with wintertime, Randy and I both were hibernating and deep in introspection, preparing for the upcoming year, carefully and slowly deciding what we’d like to do, where we should go and how to go about it. In late January/early February, we finished mixing and mastering our new album “Beyond The Smokey Mirror” at Rhythm Priest Studios in Finlayson, Minnesota. In between work sessions, it wasn’t unusual to see us frolicking in and even diving head first into the layer upon layer frigid cold snow, everyone needs a little playtime now and then, right? Of course, we quickly would return to the warm and cozy indoors to thaw out. We were in no shortage of smiles. At one point, the temperature went down to -33F with a wind chill of -65F. THAT’S COLD. Nonetheless, we enjoyed our time in the beautiful snowy lands of Minnesota and safely returned to home base in Southwestern Indiana to catch up on some necessary rest and relaxation.

Springtime has gently been awakening now and as we prepare for our Album Release Party @ the Dragon’s Den (718 Lodge Ave, Evansville, IN, 47714) on 4/20 – 7PM showtime, we’re seeing gorgeous pink, red, white and many colored flower trees in full bloom as well as delicate purple and white flowers surrounded by yellow dandelions popping up in the grassy spots. It seems the more nature comes back to life, we follow suit. Sincere gratitude and many thanks to the Covert Dragon for designing the front, back, inside and CD cover graphics for “Beyond The Smokey Mirror”, he has dedicated long hours to ensure the near perfection of these covers. In mid-May we’ll both be following the wind to North Dakota where we’ll put on an epically fun concert for the North Dakota Grand Sabbat (Aurora Knolls, 1705 38th St. NE, Anamoose, ND, 58710). Afterwards in early June, we’ll glide over dragon-style to the Earth House Midsummer Gather in Blue River, Wisconsin (Eagle Cave Campground – for a full week of total awesomeness. Next on our list of destinations, find us at Harmonic Convergence on July 5th rocking this popular sci-fi con in Minneapolis, MN @ 8:30PM! In early August, we’ll return to perform for the Sacred Harvest Fest ( in Finlayson, MN held August 5th – 11th in the secluded pristine woodlands of Atchingtan Learning Center.

It’s no secret that we’re both getting more and more excited as the time nears for these rad events. As more shows develop throughout 2019, we’ll continually and regularly update this site with relevant information. When “Beyond The Smokey Mirror” is released this upcoming month of April, we will update this site with available links for ease in obtaining your own copy. Thank you for your continued support and patience, we’re grateful for you. Let us know how you’re doing, what you’re looking forward to this year, your own words of wisdom or simply anything you'd like to drop off by leaving us a comment either below or in our contact section of this webpage, we’d love to hear from you.

With Love & Well Wishes,

Mariah Dawn Shepherd & the Covert Dragon

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